Arpith Siromoney đź’¬

The State of Fonts on the Web

Starting in 1998 with Internet Explorer 4, and then from March 2008 through March of 2010, one by one, all of the “big five” desktop browsers—Safari, Firefox, Opera, and Chrome—have rolled out roughly comparable implementations of @font-face font linking. With these, an indispensable piece of the web publishing puzzle—a piece missing since the web began—has fallen into place, and a true web-specific typography can begin to take shape.

Still on the cusp, which is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, Raph Levien points out that:

I’m looking forward to all the ways people use the Google Fonts API, but one of my absolute favorites so far is the Government of Chile. They found out about it at the same time as everyone else, and were in production with our fonts within a few days. Chile has an official policy mandating the use of HTML5 and other open, accessible technology on web sites.