Arpith Siromoney đź’¬

New blog setup

I had been writing on Medium and Tumblr in the past but had always wanted to switch to a static website which I could have more control / ownership. That day has come! This post is an explanation of the new setup.

Exporting my posts

I used mediumexporter to export my recent posts from Medium and tumblr2markdown to export the rest of the posts from Tumblr. I now had a directory of markdown files.

GitHub pages

GitHub pages is a neat way to set up a static website. It uses Jekyll and renders markdown files without needing any extra configuration.


I wanted urls to look like but also wanted my posts to sit in a separate directory in the repository. To do this I used this _config.yml, changing the “mypages” path to “posts”. This let me drop “posts” from the urls.

      path: "posts"
      type: "pages"
      permalink: "/:basename"

Index page

My homepage is just a list of posts. This is a throwback to my undergrad days (before I switched to Tumblr). The post list is generated with the following Liquid code. I’m using pages instead of posts because I don’t want to keep timestamps in my filenames. This means I need to sort site.pages by date and reverse it.

{% assign posts = site.pages | sort: 'date' | reverse %}
{% for post in posts %}
- [{{post.title}}]({{post.url}}){% endfor %}


I’m using for the index page and for the repository readme.

assets/css/style.css is where the style sheet lives and _layouts contains the templates.

Finally, I set up my domain name to point to GitHub pages’ addresses, and added the domain name in the repository’s settings page. This created a file in the repository called CNAME which contains the domain name.

And that’s it! I’m pretty happy with the result!

Thanks to Alicja Raszkowska and Lindsey Kuper!